Wordless Wednesday: Bubbles!!!

What could be more fun than bubbles?! My homemade bubble wand and bubbles didn’t work out as well as I would have liked, but Cinco and Manna loved it. This week, rather than my usual trick of playing with the cats with one hand while simultaneously taking pictures of them with the other hand, Dave (my husband) took the pictures.

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna and Cinco 2

Manna could barely wait for the bubbles to leave the wand before she attacked them.

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna 1

Get those bubbles Manna!

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna and Cinco 1

Cinco felt that the bubbles were a dirty nasty trick. He sniffed one and it popped, squirting him with soapy water. “These things are not to be trusted.” – Cinco

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna and Cinco 4

“Where did it go? It was here a second ago…”

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna 4

“I will get you, you strange magical orb!” – Manna

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna 3

Manna getting ready to pounce the bubbles.

Wordless Wednesday Bubbles Manna 2

“I wonder if I can catch it on my paw…” – Manna

Did you hear that we’re moving?

Wordless Wednesday Cinco and Manna ConstructionPlayful Kitty is moving to self-hosting! I’ve been very busy designing the new site at http://www.playfulkitty.net . It is coming along great and we should be ready to completely transfer over by next week.  Playful Kitty’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ accounts will not be changing. You will need to visit the new site to subscribe to the new Playful Kitty by WordPress reader, Bloglovin’, or email. All of those subscribe buttons are already functioning on the new site if you want to subscribe now (excuse my mess if you do visit).

This is a Blog Hop!


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Constructing on the New Playful Kitty

Cinco and Manna Construction

Construction has begun on the new Playful Kitty website! We’re going self-hosted! I’ve been talking about it for a while, but now it is actually happening. If your blog is on WordPress.com, you may have already received the notice that I am now following your blog through a new account.

I apologize to everyone that I haven’t been getting around to your blogs for the last few days. Designing the new site has been very time consuming (but I’m really enjoying it).  I haven’t been trying to ignore you! Very soon I will be getting around to everyone.

What will be different?

From the readers point of view, it will not be a big shocking change. The format is slightly different and while I’m keeping the same basic headers and icons, I’m updating them a little bit. The type of content is not changing except that it may include more product reviews (got to pay for all of this somehow).

The reason I’m making the move is to give myself more flexibility. WordPress.com has been a wonderful host, but I wanted out from underneath its restrictions. Now I’m free to add Javascript content and to make money using my blog. I’m really excited!:)

Following the New Playful Kitty

You will have to re-subscribe/ re-follow Playful Kitty, but I am making it as easy as I can for you. All of the same options for following us will be available.  Playful Kitty’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ accounts will not be changing at all.

The new website will be found at http://www.playfulkitty.net . Should you choose to visit now, please excuse my dust as I am still getting everything set on the site. All of the buttons for following Playful Kitty are active on the site if you want to update your subscriptions now.  You can follow via one of the social media sites listed above, email, WordPress.com, or bloglovin’.  Please let me know if I’m missing a preferred way to follow! 

You don’t have to visit the new site to follow on Bloglovin’, just use the links below.

Follow on Bloglovin

When Will the Move Be Complete?

More than likely I will be ready to completely switch over by next week. I’m pretty technologically savvy so everything is going really smoothly. When I’ve completed everything I will make more announcements.  The cats are so happy about the move that Manna is planning to release a brand new song for our first real post on the new site. 🙂

Manna warming up her vocal cords for her performance.

Manna warming up her vocal cords for her performance.