Taking A Snow Day

Snowmageddon is upon us! Rather than enjoying a snow day, I’ve been down with an incredibly bad headache all day long 😦 .  It’s one of those ones that makes it hard to focus and make you sick to your stomach. That doesn’t make it easy to research and write.  Blah. Hopefully tomorrow will work out a little better.

For now, Cinco and Manna have decided to help out. Cinco is in charge of caring for me and he is doing a spectacular job. He is cuddling and purring just right. He even alerts me when I have been out of bed too long and leads me right back there.

Cinco Cuddles me

Cinco giving me a healing cuddle on the couch.

Manna is monitoring Dave (my husband) and making sure that he behaves himself. This is a very important task. She is also taste testing all of my food and drink to make sure that Dave has not given me anything dangerous. Every now and again she comes in to check on me and Cinco.

Manna Supervising Dave

Manna supervising Dave’s computer usage.

I hope all of you are doing well through the storm (if you are in it)! For now I’m off to do more healing 🙂

Playful Kitty Puzzle: Things Cats Like To Play With

Time for Another Game with Playful Kitty!

Playful Kitty has created a word scramble based on the favorite toys of cats! Rearrange the letters onto the blanks to spell different things that cats like to play with.  To play choose one of these options:

  1. Click on the image of the puzzle and print it from your browser.
  2. Right click on the image. Select “Save As” and save the image to your computer. Print as an image or place it onto a word document to print it.
  3. Download the PDF version of the puzzle and print from Adobe Acrobat. Click the following link to use the PDF version: Things That Cats Like to Play With Scramble.pdf

Want the answers?

Just send an email with the subject line “Answers to Things Cats Like to Play With” to  robinsplayfulkitties@hotmail.com .

Word Scramble - Things Cats Like to Play With